Anthonie van Beerstraten, People near bridge and church. C. 1670

People near bridge and church, c. 1670. Anthonie van Beerstraten (1634-1697)

This painting features a towering church in the centre of the painting. The frozen river extends to both sides of the church. On the bridge is a loaded horse carriage. A rich man in red is on his way back from hunting, with his servant and dog at his side. The tree on the left side adds a nice balance to the scenery. A few people are skating underneath and to their left, one man is playing colf and another is watching. A lady is sitting on the ice sled drawn by a dog and man in front and pushed by another man at the back.

Oil on panel


The Sharp Collection: Early Dutch Paintings with Golf Scenes. Wayne Xing. 2019

Hill of Tarvit Mansion, south of Cupar, Fife, Scotland

Source: Robin Bargmann